Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Japanese Manga and Anime

        I've always been more of an anime kinda guy, i never owned a manga and the few i read like Berserk, Fullmetal Alchemist, Ghost in the Shell were either hard to follow due to its complexity, or ii started half way through the series because the local library never had the full series. I had many friends that did read a lot of manga and they introduced me to anime like Trigun, dragonball Z, and my favorite Cowboy Bebop. i always found the stories to be fascinating even though in most anime the the main hero is some sexually ambiguous teen boy with big eyes and shy social outlook has to save the world (because that's how things go in Japan i assume).
        I found it amazing that the artist can and has to produce thousands upon thousands or pages and cells each year to produce a volume, where as in American comics a page is usually done in a day, only producing a fraction of that in a year. i guess the thing that never attracted my attention to manga was the fact that it can be very confusing if like me you jumped into the middle of the story, especially if the story is very complex and drama ridden (oh the drama). so i found that anime always cut to the chase by editing things from the manga to fit into an OVA or into a series of anime, however jumping into anime without knowing what is going on can be jarring DragonBall Z for example, as simple as the idea is (find the dragonballs save the world) it can get complex fast then the fast paced action can be to much for some. anime has always been more preferable to me because it was always on a tighter schedule and it was easier for me to follow.

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